Do we smell?
Did you wake up and take a nice, hot, long shower this morning before work? Or maybe, you showered last night right before jumping into...

The Big Hole in the Ground
The Grand Canyon August 18, 2016 Why has no one ever told us the Grand Canyon is freaking amazing?! We have lived so close for so long,...

The Boys of Summer
Chavez Ravine August 10, 2016 One of the goals that Alyssa and I have had for a long time is to visit every Major league baseball...

Checking in... Angeles National Forest
August 5, 2016 Holy balls! Angeles National Forest where have you been all my life!? I don't know if this place is a secret or not, but...
Shitter's Full
So Alyssa is always right. Even when she is wrong, she is right. But this time she was right right. When the idea of tearing out a...

About us...
Who are we? I suppose its not so easy to explain who we are, because, well, we don't really know. We are Brandon, Alyssa and Sushi, high...

When living in the woods started to get real...
This is an unedited note Brandon wrote on his iPhone one morning after work in February 2016 at 6:36am when he couldn't sleep. We had...